Thursday, May 7, 2009

All Round Training in Excellence (Art EXCEL)

Art Excel provides practical tools that enable children and teenagers to effectively handle the stress & negative emotions (like fear, anger, frustration etc.) at a young age.

The program promotes human values through a variety of techniques that teach such important skills as: the art of making friends, the secret of popularity, personal responsibility, the value of service and nurtures their creativity- all in a supportive, yet challenging and fun atmosphere.

Art Excel aims to:
- Develop in our youth a vision that embraces all cultures, religions, ethnic and racial backgrounds.
- Encompass all faiths and acknowledge a higher power that helps us go beyond perceived limitations.
- Establish a powerful and meaningful connection between one's self and the world.
- Increase mental focus and facilitate the learning process.
- Provide the leadership training and skills which enable youth to become positive role models for their peers.
- Create an awareness of the human values in our youth and provide opportunities for community service.

Part-1 Basic

The Art of Living Course - Part I: Is central to all the other courses offered by the foundation. A deeply introspective and fun course, the Art of Living Course is enjoyed by people of all backgrounds, cultures and traditions in over 140 countries.

The Course includes stretching exercises for improved circulation and relaxation.
> Simple techniques which increase and balance the flow of energy in the body and guided meditation to calm and rejuvenate on all levels
> Reveals time tested secrets of life that secure our health, happiness and success.

The Course integrates practical wisdom, ancient spiritual knowledge and health practices to increase individual well-being at all levels - including the physical, mental, and emotional.

The cornerstone of the course is the Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful technique that purifies and rejuvenates both the mind and body. It is known to have beneficial effects on the physiology, nervous system, endocrine system and the immune system.

PART - 2 (Rishikesh)

A residential course in the holy town of Rishikesh - held over 4-6 days, the Art of Living Part II course is about true relaxation. Here you will dive deeper into your self... and come back refreshed in body, mind and spirit.

It includes a combination of Silence, Sadhana (Meditation), Satsang (Celebration) and Seva (Service).

Silence takes you deeper into yourself, Sadhana builds Energy, Satsang maintains it (elevating consciousness) and finally this energy is lovingly channeled through Seva. It will leave you with a big smile that radiates all the way from within.

Blessings Course

The blessings course helps one become an instrument of Guruji's grace with the ability to bless people.

Eligibility for Blessings Course: Minimum 4 Advanced Courses

Eternity Process

A past life regression technique that provides a tool for reliving about any event that is the root of a pattern. The pattern can be mental or physical. It can be something that needs to be changed or merely understood.

A past life regression also provides a gateway to a vast resource of information on previous times, places, and cultures. It helps the individual clear mental impressions that may be blocking one progress.

Acheiving Personal Excellence (APEX)

Bring the benefits of The Art of Living course in a format suited to the needs of the corporate world - to your business, organization and the people that make it work.

Offered by The International Association of Human Values, the APEX Course offers the latest advancements in personal development technology, unlocking the door to unlimited human potential. This course empowers employees to be centered, balanced and more productive throughout the day.

The tools and techniques taught in this program dramatically improve human performance in the workplace by reducing company stress, creating a greater sense of commitment and team unity as well as, and enhancing the overall quality of life.

The APEX Course provides:
- Reduced stress
- Improved productivity and team efficiency
- Higher morale and unity among co-workers
- Greater creativity and clarity of mind for executives and employees
- Greater commitment and job satisfaction
- Improved health and wellness
- Heightened enthusiasm & Self-esteem

The Seminar is a successful part of Employee Empowerment programs the world over, from State Governments in India to the World Bank.

For more information on the seminar please visit

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

The experience of meditation can take us beyond the usual mental stress and emotional agitation to a calm, centered place. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation is a graceful and effortless meditation.

Benefits: Sahaj Samadhi means effortless transcendence. Participants learn to let go of all tensions and stress, providing the mind with a much needed deep rest. It allows the conscious mind to settle deeply into itself. It is only in the present moment that we find true happiness. As the mind settles down, it centers itself more and more in the present moment and experiences a natural state of joy.

Course Details: In just three sessions of two hours, we learn to tap the depths of our nature. After the course we can use this simple meditation practice to overcome the effects of inevitable stressful situations and make a positive impact on the quality of our lives.

DSN - Creating a Divine Society

We all have personal barriers, old habits, or inhibitions that hold us back and keep us from more fully participating in life. At the same time, we all have a deep desire to be the best we can be - for ourselves, our families and dear ones, our communities, and even the world around us. But the truth is that those old emotional wounds, self-concepts, attitudes and fears, create a barrier between you and the ability to live your heart's desire.

Divya Samaj ka Nirmaan (The creation of a divine society) is a rigorous and transformational course, designed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Through a powerful combination of Padma Sadhana, special meditations, breathing techniques, group processes, and deep spiritual knowledge, the DSN course empowers participants to break through personal inhibitions and barriers of all kinds. Dropping whatever does not serve your best interests is a completely liberating experience - it makes you so strong that nothing in this world can shake you.

When you are ready for true liberation, true freedom and personal empowerment, then you are ready for the power of DSN!

This four-day, full-time course, is open to all those who have completed the Art of Living Course. It is preferable to have completed aleast one advanced course as well.

The power of DSN can give us true liberation, true freedom and personal empowerment!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Advance Course

Advance Course is designed to provide the precise conditions for:

* enhancing self-discovery
* providing deep rest for the mind and body
* reviving energy and enthusiasm

Benefits: This course is an opportunity to experience powerful silence along with the deep serenity of Hollow and Empty meditations. The practice of silence has been known throughout the ages, in many different traditions and cultures, as a great tool for elevating consciousness. When profound meditations are added to this silence we find that our ever-changing thoughts come to a rest and our mind becomes clear giving rise to a sense of natural joy.

Increased awareness and an unshakeable sense of stability come into our lives and stay for long periods of time after the course.

Each Advance course is an invitation to dive deep into the Self and enjoy a perfect vacation for mind, body and spirit.

Course Details:Advance Courses build upon the teachings of the Art of Living Part 1 Course. They are conducted in the form of residential retreats lasting from four to six days. The courses are normally held in venues that offer natural beauty and quietness