Return To Joy
Our mind tends to vacillate between the past and the future. We are either regretting the past or anxious about the future. However as we all know living in the present moment is the route to joy. Our mind is such that we cannot control it in a direct manner. We cannot force it to be in the present moment. But we can influence our mind through the breath. "Take a deep breath" is an age-old recommendation for relaxation. course takes this effect of breath on our minds and applies it in a very precise and powerful manner through the Sudarshan Kriya technique. Practice of this technique can bring our mind effortlessly into the present moment. As this happens, we learn the ability to reduce the effects of negative emotions and return to our natural state of joy.

Restoring the Natural Rhythm
There is a rhythm in all parts of nature; the sun rises and sets with a particular rhythm, the tides rise and ebb with their own rhythm, our body wakes and sleeps with a certain rhythm. Similarly every emotion has a corresponding rhythm in the breath. In the Course we use this link between our breath and our emotions to come closer to the rhythm of our natural Being
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