1) Physical – Challenging body exercises, yoga and innovative breathing techniques.
2) Mental – Practical knowledge and interactive processes to improve memory, concentration & focus.
3) Social - Experiential processes to develop problem solving strategies and social skills; Interactive processes to develop leadership and life skills; Teamwork exercises to teach cooperation and conflict resolution.
4) Emotional – Group discussions designed to help one feel at ease in challenging situations, and increase confidence and inner strength to better handle criticism and peer pressure.
YES!+ is divided into six sessions of 3–4 hours each and is held over six days with additional 2-hour weekly follow-up sessions. The format can be adjusted to the particular needs of any group or class.

1> Opens the mind to innovate and become dynamic, so as to fearlessly take on additional challenges and responsibility.
2> Ensures improved performance through heightened awareness and a renewed sense of enthusiasm and commitment.
3> Establishes vibrancy, dynamism and readiness to change.
4> Explores the secrets of the breath that can bring a fundamental transformation in interpersonal relationships, both at school and in private life.
5> Stimulates the intellect, triggers the mind and stretches the body.
6> Increases physical energy by bringing about greater overall balance in the system.
7> Improves self-esteem and reduces stress through techniques that can continuously be utilized after the Course.
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